In recent years, more women are getting married and starting a family at a much later time, usually in their 30s. While some of the reasons for this are quite understandable and in fact unavoidable, nevertheless, it has implications on reproductive health.
Women who are older than 35 may have difficulty conceiving. Also, after age 35, certain pregnancy complications are more likely. If you are 35 and pregnant or planning to get pregnant, do not entertain fear.
You should know that most healthy women who are pregnant after age 35 have healthy babies. Nevertheless, it is important that you understand what’s involved and know what you can do to ensure the best outcome for you and your baby.
What are the risks involved in getting pregnant after 35?
As you get older, you are more likely than younger women to have certain health problems. These health problems, including high blood pressure and diabetes, can in turn lead to complications during pregnancy.
Some of these complications include:
  • Miscarriage
  • Stillbirth
  • Low birth weight
  • Premature delivery
  • Birth defects like Down’s syndrome
What are the things I can to do reduce my risk of these complications?
If you are 35 or older and you are considering getting pregnant, it is very important that you:
  • See your doctor so you can get checked. This way if you have any health condition, you get treatment and especially one that’s safe during pregnancy
  • Manage any health condition properly
  • Achieve a healthy weight and maintain it
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Manage stress
  • Do not drink, smoke or use drugs. Do not also abuse prescription or over-the-counter drugs.